Friday, May 18, 2012

Eye Candy: French Bathroom

It's Friday. Sit back, prop your feet up, have a glass of wine and enjoy some eye candy.
These images are from a collection on House Beautiful.
See the whole slideshow here.

How sweet are the his and hers vanities with tile mats? So chic. enjoy a nice soak in that tub! If you want to splurge (and boy do I mean splurge, we're talking $12,000 to $16,000 here) on it, it's available at your local Waterworks showroom.
Here's the kicker: this is a guest bathroom. Oh, to see the master!

This week wasn't scheduled to be dedicated to French inspiration. But, what can I say? Sometimes I get wrapped up in pretty things.

Au Revoir  for the weekend! 

Slideshow and images: "A Grand, Parisian Hotel-Inspired Guest Bathroom" by Julie Lewis on House See the rest here:

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