Friday, May 18, 2012

Eye Candy: French Bathroom

It's Friday. Sit back, prop your feet up, have a glass of wine and enjoy some eye candy.
These images are from a collection on House Beautiful.
See the whole slideshow here.

How sweet are the his and hers vanities with tile mats? So chic. enjoy a nice soak in that tub! If you want to splurge (and boy do I mean splurge, we're talking $12,000 to $16,000 here) on it, it's available at your local Waterworks showroom.
Here's the kicker: this is a guest bathroom. Oh, to see the master!

This week wasn't scheduled to be dedicated to French inspiration. But, what can I say? Sometimes I get wrapped up in pretty things.

Au Revoir  for the weekend! 

Slideshow and images: "A Grand, Parisian Hotel-Inspired Guest Bathroom" by Julie Lewis on House See the rest here:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

French inspiration...not a bunch of 'merde'

To round out our little section of French inspiration, I had to share this cute little pillow I found on Etsy today. So clever. So appropriate for Mondays, humid days, mornings, basically any occasion which is less than ideal.

Buy it!

Love how the maker, Alexandra Ferguson described it, "Don't worry - you may have a mouth like a trucker, but if you say it all in French you will sound so chic!" 
This pillow seriously made my day.
Hopefully it adds some humor to yours, too.

The deets: 
Dimensions: 14" x 18"
Materials: Cover- Felt made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles (How cool is that?)
Insert- Polyfill
Price: $99, made to order just for you. No two will be identical.


Alexandra Ferguson on Etsy. See it at